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The EFFA General Assembly 2022 takes place in Istanbul, Turkey

On the 30th of September, the European Flavour Association (EFFA) held its General Assembly 2022 on hybrid mode, in Istanbul (Turkey) and online. Company Members and National Associations gathered around the Bosphorus to review the work done by the Association this year and start planning the priorities for 2023.

This was the first year of Marc van der Duijs as EFFA President, who started by thanking the hosting Association, the Turkish Flavour & Spice Association (AREP): “Due to the pandemic, the trip to Turkey had to be rescheduled many times, so we are very grateful to enjoy now the opportunity to be together in this beautiful Mediterranean city”. Mr van der Duijs highlighted the important role that National Associations have at EFFA and also of the volunteers on every Committee: “The volunteers are always the soul and the roots of an Association and we are very lucky to have such knowledgeable and committed volunteers, so a big thank you to all of you for this year’s work”.

Indeed, many developments in the three pillars and Committees of the Association (Regulatory, Public Affairs and Communication) were presented at the meeting. 2022 is a year that brings us closer to the completion of the safety evaluation of the EU Union List of flavouring materials; a year that consolidated the role of EFFA as a reliable partner for the EU institutions, with some milestones such as the first report on the EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices for which EFFA is signatory; and that sees the Flavour of Europe developed last year for the Virtual FlavourDay taking now the form of a scented brochure (you can order it here).


EFFA Executive Director, Alexander Mohr, PhD talked about the role of the Association in the complex international situation we are navigating “challenges are the new normal, but the Association has continued to operate seamlessly through these changing times”. For him, the key is communication with the members “formal and informal exchanges with our members are the backbone of our work; satisfaction of our members is our driver”.

The EFFA General Assembly is also the opportunity to receive an update on the work of the International Flavor Organization (IOFI). Executive Director, Sven Ballschmiede, updated us on the ongoing review of the IFRA – IOFI Sustainability Charter, of which EFFA, as an IOFI member, is part of.

The Charter is a voluntary industry initiative that aims to raise awareness of sustainability throughout the flavor and fragrance (F&F) sectors and at the same time offers F&F businesses a toolbox with best practices, a compendium of legal requirements and standards to help raise the bar on sustainability. The number of signatories keeps increasing and has reached 136, including stock-listed companies and SME’s from several countries around the world.