Our members are flavour houses and National Flavour Associations from across Europe.
Our Vision is to be the voice of flavour in Europe, leading a Europe-wide strategy to the benefit of the flavour industry, its customers and consumers alike.
European leaders in the world of flavour providing long term positioning as a trusted and impactful partner and supporting the flavour industry by providing coordination and direction.
At global level, EFFA is a member of the International Organization of the Flavor Industry (IOFI).
EFFA is a European non-profit trade association for the flavour industry, based in Brussels and registered under Belgian law. The association was founded in 1961 as “Bureau de Liaison des Syndicats Européens des Produits Aromatiques.” In 1991, the name was changed to the European Flavour and Fragrance Association (EFFA). The organisation originally focussed on both flavours and fragrances but decided to focus solely on flavours in 2009. The acronym EFFA remains the same.
The governing body of the Association is the General Assembly. It consists of ordinary member representatives (both National Flavour Associations and Company Ordinary Members). They have a physical meeting at least once per year.
EFFA President - Mr Karel Stoschek (dsm-firmenich)
Vice President - Mr Doruk Ongan (Givaudan)
EFFA Past president & interim Treasurer - Mr Antoine Kastler (Robertet)
Mr Massimo Barbeni (AISPEC)
Dr Dirk-Achim Müller (DVAI)
Mr Walter Ribeiro (Symrise)
Mr Eric Angellini (SNIAA)
Mr Marc van der Duijs (EFFA Executive Director)
EFFA bases its work on three pillars:
Regulatory, Public Affairs and Communication.
Read more about our three pillars.
You can read below the EFFA Statutes.
EFFA is a member of the European Society of Association Executives (ESAE), the leading European organisation uniting Association professionals.
ESAE has adopted a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Charter stating that: “ESAE strongly believes that embracing and promoting diversity, equity and inclusion is essential in order to make associations thrive. Beyond being more inclusive, organisations who apply DEI perform better, grow their reputation and have a stronger employer’s brand”.
Further information and definition of DEI according to the ESAE Charter can be found at the ESAE website: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | esae
EFFA is aligned with the principles of the ESAE DEI Charter.