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The ‘Flavour Ambassadors’ is an EFFA multimedia project launched in 2019 and aimed at sharing the passion and expertise of European flavour professionals. Through the project we aim to give the industry a “voice” and showcase its many facades and the blend of knowledge that is needed to create flavourings that ultimately enrich our food and drinks.

The community of Flavour Ambassadors is comprised of varied industry specialists who are passionate about their profession and volunteered to take part in this EFFA project. Our Flavour Ambassadors represent the different departments of variously sized companies from all over Europe and are of different cultures and backgrounds. In each episode of the interviews, the ambassadors show the various aspects in the creating process, explain what their role in the flavour house is, what drives and challenges them, and how their expertise contributes to the flavour and food industry in Europe and globally. With professionals ranging from regulatory to sensory and marketing departments, each focuses on their own expertise and added value and together they showcase the complexity of the flavour industry processes.

In this interview, Camille Jobert, Regulatory affairs manager, told us why food is a central element of our lives and, in her opinion, synonymous of pleasure, conviviality and sharing.

Camille Jobert

Regulatory affairs manager

Camille Jobert

What is your name and profession?

Camille Jobert, Regulatory affairs manager of METAROM France.

Who do you work with most closely? Why these colleagues specifically?

In regulatory affairs, we have interactions with most of the company's other departments. However, we work more closely with the R&D, purchasing and sales departments. With the first one, it’s mainly a question of validating new products. We work in partnership with the second so that only raw materials that meet the expected regulatory requirements are purchased. Finally, we work with the sales department to answer all regulatory questions from our customers.

How did you get your start in the flavour industry? Why did you choose this career?

I have always had a keen interest in chemistry and cooking, so at the end of my Chemistry degree at the University of Versailles, I decided to do a Master of Chemistry specialized in formulation and sensory analysis of flavourings in order to become a flavourist.

After two and a half years as a flavourist trainee and then junior flavourist at Metarom France, I had the opportunity to join the regulatory affairs department almost 7 years ago. And I have no regrets about not being a flavourist.

During my master's degree, I followed regulatory courses during which I discovered a passion for regulation and which allowed me to have very good bases to take up my duties. I then learned a lot on the job.

What is the flavour industry for you? What is food to you?

Food is a central element of our lives and, in my opinion, it is synonymous with pleasure, conviviality and sharing. I am totally a fan of these food-focus Instagram accounts, which are made up of totally delicious and appetizing photos.

I find the aromatic industry very dynamic, modern and full of sensitivity. I am proud to work for this industry which does everything for the pleasure and safety of consumers.

What do you find particularly fascinating about your job?

It's a work in perpetual change, there is no routine, impossible to get bored and I find it great!

What is your favourite and your most disliked flavouring?

I think I prefer the vanilla flavourings, which are more complex and varied than you can imagine.
I really don't like banana flavourings, I have never tasted any that perfectly imitated the taste of fresh bananas.


As a regulatory expert, what is the role of the regulatory department in a flavour house?

Our main role is to ensure that the products developed by our R&D laboratory respect the regulations in force as well as the requirements of our customers. We also make sure that the raw materials we buy meet the expected requirements. We also provide an advisory role to the various departments of the company but also to our customers. Our role is also to ensure regulatory monitoring so that the company is always proactive.

What is the role and importance of regulation in the flavour industry?

I think regulation contribute to establishing trust between the flavour industry and consumers. We aim to be transparent and reliable so that the food industry and consumers are confident.

As a regulatory specialist, which external stakeholders do you interact with the most?

As part of my regulatory function, I mainly interact with the French association representing the aromatic industry, the ISNIAA.

What is your main contribution in the development of flavours? Can you give an example?

When a flavourist has developed a new flavourings, we start by looking at what the customer's requirements are (in what type of food he wants to use it, in which country, does he want the flavourings to be Kosher or Halal certified, etc.).

Then we check that these requirements are met as well as the essential regulatory requirements.

Once all these elements have been validated, we check that they are also correct in our computer system so that we can generate a technical data sheet and a safety data sheet.